# Copyright (C) 2011 Eric Leblond <eric@regit.org>
# You can copy, redistribute or modify this Program under the terms of
# the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free
# Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# version 3 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301, USA.
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from os import unlink, path, listdir, getcwd
from sys import exit, stderr
from string import Template
from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser
import re
have_multiprocessing = True
from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe
have_multiprocessing = False
have_pygments = True
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers import CLexer
from pygments.filters import NameHighlightFilter
from pygments.formatters import Terminal256Formatter, HtmlFormatter
have_pygments = False
[docs]class CocciException(Exception):
Generic class for coccigrep exception
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return self.value
[docs]class CocciConfigException(CocciException):
Exception raised when configuration parameter are not correct.
For example, it is returned if spatch command can not be found.
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return self.value
[docs]class CocciRunException(CocciException):
Exception raised when running parameters are not correct.
For example, it is returned if a required argument is missing.
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return self.value
[docs]class CocciGrepConfig:
Configuration handling class
This class parses configuration and can be used to access to
configuration item via get operations. This is mainly a wrapper
around configparser.
def __init__(self):
self.configbasename = 'coccigrep'
self.config = RawConfigParser()
self.global_config = RawConfigParser()
[docs] def parse_config(self):
Parse the hierarchy of configuration files
paths = [
path.join('/etc', self.configbasename),
path.join(path.expanduser('~'), '.%s' % self.configbasename),
path.join(getcwd(), '.%s' % self.configbasename),
for cpath in paths:
if path.isfile(cpath):
# Parse global configuration to have sane default
cpath = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), '%s.cfg' % self.configbasename)
if path.isfile(cpath):
raise CocciException('No package config file: %s' % (cpath))
[docs] def get(self, section, value):
Get value for a configuration item
:param section: name of the section in the ini file
:type section: str
:param value: name of the value under the section
:type value: str
:return: value of option as a str
return self.config.get(section, value)
return self.global_config.get(section, value)
[docs] def getint(self, section, value):
Get value for a configuration item returned as int
:param section: name of the section in the ini file
:type section: str
:param value: name of the value under the section
:type value: str
:return: value of option as a int
return self.config.getint(section, value)
return self.global_config.getint(section, value)
[docs] def getboolean(self, section, value):
Get value for a configuration item returned as boolean
:param section: name of the section in the ini file
:type section: str
:param value: name of the value under the section
:type value: str
:return: value of option as a boolean
return self.config.getboolean(section, value)
return self.global_config.getboolean(section, value)
[docs]class CocciMatch:
Store a match and take care of its display
def __init__(self, mfile, mline, mcol, mlineend, mcolend):
self.file = mfile
self.line = int(mline)
self.column = int(mcol)
self.lineend = int(mlineend)
self.columnend = int(mcolend)
[docs] def display(self, stype, mode='raw', oformat='term', before=0, after=0):
Display output for a single match
:param mode: display mode
:type mode: str
:param oformat: format of output for color (term, html)
:type oformat: str
:param before: number of lines to display before match
:type before: int
:param after: number of lines to display after match
:type after: int
f = open(self.file, 'r')
lines = f.readlines()
pmatch = lines[self.line -1][self.column:self.columnend]
output = ""
if mode == 'color':
output += "%s: l.%s -%d, l.%s +%d, %s *%s\n" % (self.file, self.line, before, self.line, after, stype, pmatch)
for i in range(int(self.line) - 1 - before, int(self.line) + after):
if mode == 'color':
output += lines[i]
elif mode == 'vim':
output += "%s|%s| (%s *%s): %s" % (self.file, self.line, stype, pmatch, lines[i])
elif mode == 'emacs':
output += "%s:%s: (%s *%s): %s" % (self.file, self.line, stype, pmatch, lines[i])
output += "%s:%s (%s *%s): %s" % (self.file, self.line, stype, pmatch, lines[i])
if mode == 'color':
if have_pygments:
lexer = CLexer()
lfilter = NameHighlightFilter(names=[pmatch])
if oformat == "term":
return highlight(output, lexer, Terminal256Formatter())
elif oformat == "html":
return highlight(output, lexer, HtmlFormatter(noclasses=True))
return output
return output
[docs]class CocciProcess:
Class used for running spatch command in the case of multiprocessing
def __init__(self, cmd, verbose):
self.process = Process(target=self.execute, args=(self, ))
self.output, self.input = Pipe()
self.cmd = cmd
self.verbose = verbose
[docs] def execute(self, option=''):
output = ""
if self.verbose:
stderr.write("Running: %s." % " ".join(self.cmd))
output = Popen(self.cmd, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0]
output = Popen(self.cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()[0]
except Exception, err:
import pickle
output = pickle.dumps(err)
[docs] def start(self):
[docs] def join(self):
[docs] def recv(self):
return self.output.recv()
[docs]class CocciGrep:
Core class of the module: setup and run.
This class is the core of the module. It is responsible
of initialisation and running of the request.
@ script:python @
p1 << init.p1;
for p in p1:
print "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s" % (p.file,p.line,p.column,p.line_end,p.column_end)
def __init__(self):
self.verbose = False
self.spatch = CocciGrep.spatch
self.ncpus = 1
self.operations = {}
self.process = []
dirList = listdir(self.get_datadir())
for fname in dirList:
op = path.split(fname)[-1].replace('.cocci','')
self.operations[op] = path.join(self.get_datadir(), fname)
[docs] def setup(self, stype, attribut, operation):
:param stype: structure name, used to replace '$type' in the cocci file
:type stype: str
:param attribut: basically attribut of the structure, used to replace '$attribut' in the cocci file
:type attribut: str
:param operation: search operation to do
:type operation: str
:raise: :class:`CocciRunException`
if stype == None:
raise CocciRunException("Can't use coccigrep without type to search")
self.type = stype
self.attribut = attribut
self.operation = operation
[docs] def set_concurrency(self, ncpus):
Set concurrency level (number of spatch command to run in parallel)
:param ncpus: number of process to launch in parallel
:type ncpus: int
if have_multiprocessing:
self.ncpus = ncpus
return True
return False
[docs] def set_spatch_cmd(self, cmd):
Set path or command name for spatch
:param cmd: Name of parth of the spatch command
:type cmd: str
self.spatch = cmd
[docs] def get_datadir(self):
this_dir, this_filename = path.split(__file__)
datadir = path.join(this_dir, "data")
return datadir
[docs] def get_operations(self):
Get list of available operations
:return: list of operations in a list of str
return self.operations.keys()
[docs] def get_operation_name(self, fname):
return path.split(fname)[-1].replace('.cocci','')
[docs] def add_operations(self, new_ops):
Add operation to the list of supported operations
:param new_ops: list of filenames (ending by .cocci)
:type new_ops: list of str
if len(new_ops) == 0:
file_filter = re.compile('^[^\.].*\.cocci$')
for fname in new_ops:
# file need to end with cocci
if file_filter.match(fname):
op = path.split(fname)[-1].replace('.cocci','')
self.operations[op] = fname
[docs] def set_verbose(self):
Activate verbose mode
self.verbose = True
[docs] def run(self, files):
Run the search against the files given in argument
This function is doing the main job. It will run spatch with
the correct parameters by using subprocess or it will use
multiprocessing if a concurrency level greater than 1 has been
:param files: list of filenames
:type files: list of str
:raise: :class:`CocciRunException` or :class:`CocciConfigException`
if len(files) == 0:
raise CocciRunException("Can't use coccigrep without files to search")
for cfile in files:
if not path.isfile(cfile):
raise CocciRunException("'%s' is not a file, can't continue" % cfile)
# create tmp cocci file:
tmp_cocci_file = NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".cocci", delete=False)
tmp_cocci_file_name = tmp_cocci_file.name
# open file with name matching operation
cocci_file = open(self.operations[self.operation], 'r')
# get the string and build template
cocci_tmpl = cocci_file.read()
cocci_smpl_tmpl = Template(cocci_tmpl)
cocci_smpl = cocci_smpl_tmpl.substitute(type=self.type, attribut=self.attribut)
cocci_grep = cocci_smpl + CocciGrep.cocci_python
# launch spatch
output = ""
if self.ncpus > 1 and len(files) > 1:
fseq = []
splitsize = 1.0/self.ncpus*len(files)
for i in range(self.ncpus):
rfiles = files[int(round(i*splitsize)):int(round((i+1)*splitsize))]
if len(rfiles) >= 1:
for sub_files in fseq:
cmd = [self.spatch, "-sp_file", tmp_cocci_file.name] + sub_files
sprocess = CocciProcess(cmd, self.verbose)
for process in self.process:
ret = process.recv()
# CocciProcess return a serialized exception in case of exception
if ret.startswith('cexceptions\n'):
import pickle
import errno
err = pickle.loads(ret)
if err.errno in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ENOEXEC):
raise CocciConfigException("Unable to run spatch command '%s': %s." % (cmd[0], err.strerror))
raise CocciRunException("Unable to run '%s': %s." % (" ".join(cmd), err.strerror))
output += ret
cmd = [self.spatch, "-sp_file", tmp_cocci_file.name] + files
if self.verbose:
stderr.write("Running: %s." % " ".join(cmd))
output = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0]
output = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()[0]
except OSError, err:
import errno
if err.errno in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ENOEXEC):
raise CocciConfigException("Unable to run spatch command '%s': %s." % (cmd[0], err.strerror))
raise CocciRunException("Unable to run '%s': %s." % (" ".join(cmd), err.strerror))
prevfile = None
prevline = None
self.matches = []
for ematch in output.split("\n"):
(efile, eline, ecol,elinend, ecolend) = ematch.split(":")
nmatch = CocciMatch(efile, eline, ecol,elinend, ecolend)
# if there is equality then we will already display the line
if (efile == prevfile) and (eline == prevline):
prevfile = efile
prevline = eline
except ValueError:
[docs] def display(self, mode='raw', before=0, after=0, oformat='term'):
Display output for complete request
:param mode: display mode
:type mode: str
:param before: number of lines to display before match
:type before: int
:param after: number of lines to display after match
:type after: int
:param oformat: format of output for color (term, html)
:type oformat: str
:return: the result of the search as a str
output = ""
for match in self.matches:
output += match.display(self.type, mode=mode, oformat=oformat, before=before, after=after)
return output.rstrip()