Jesper Dangaard Brouer: IPTV-analyzer

Jesper presents its IP TV analyser know called IPTV-analyser.

He starts the project when encountering problem in the IP TV system in the company he works for. Proprietary analyser exists but they are expensive and the tested equipment were not able to show the burstiness directly. To fix this, he started using wireshark and add it a burstiness detector. It was not enough because pcap was not scaling enough and they decide to build their own probe. One of the decisive point was the 192000€ necessary to buy the necessary probes.

Being an ISP with custom set top-box has some advantage because they were able to deploy the probe on the box to be able to get data from the client side.

Project is made of three parts:

  • Kernel module: parse MTS flow and extract data
  • Collect daemon: get data from userspace via /proc polling
  • Web interface: display the statistics and browse

Jesper is looking for help on the web interface. He is not a web developer and need help on that point.

IPTV-analyser has been open sourced and the source are available on github.

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