

coccigrep is a semantic grep for the C language based on coccinelle. It can be used to find where a given structure is used in code files. coccigrep depends on the spatch program which comes with coccinelle.

Download and source

Latest version is 1.13: coccigrep-1.13.tar.gz

The source can be accessed via github.


To find where in a set of files the structure named Packet is used, you can run:

$ coccigrep  -t Packet *c
source-af-packet.c:272:         p = ptv->in_p;
source-af-packet.c:300:     p->datalink = ptv->datalink;
source-af-packet.c:758:     switch(p->datalink) {

To find where in a set of files the datalink attribute is used in the structure
named Packet, you can simply do:

$ coccigrep  -t Packet -a datalink  *c
source-af-packet.c:300:     p->datalink = ptv->datalink;
source-af-packet.c:758:     switch(p->datalink) {
source-erf-dag.c:525:     p->datalink = LINKTYPE_ETHERNET;

If you want to be more precise and find where this attribute is set, you can use
the operation flag (-o). One of its value is set which indicate we only want
the match where the attribute is set:

$ coccigrep  -t Packet -a datalink -o set  source*c
source-af-packet.c:300:     p->datalink = ptv->datalink;
source-erf-dag.c:525:     p->datalink = LINKTYPE_ETHERNET;

coccigrep supports syntax highlighting through the pygments module. For example, running coccigrep -t Packet -a datalink -o test -c -A 3 -B 3 -f html /tmp/test.c will output to stdout some colorized HTML code:

/tmp/test.c: l.300 -3, l.300 +3, Packet *p
        hdrp->sll_protocol = from.sll_protocol;

    while (p->datalink >= ptv->datalink) {
    	SET_PKT_LEN(p, caplen + offset);
    	if (PacketCopyData(p, ptv->data, GET_PKT_LEN(p)) == -1) {
           TmqhOutputPacketpool(ptv->tv, p);


The dependencies of coccigrep are spatch which comes with coccinelle. On python side, you need setuptools and optionally pygments (for colorized output). Happy Debian user can do

aptitude install python-setuptools python-pygments

To install coccigrep run

sudo python ./ install

See next section, for usage of coccigrep inside Vim or Emacs.


usage: coccigrep [-h] [-t TYPE] [-a ATTRIBUT]
                 [-o {set,callg,used,func,test,deref}] [-s SP] [-C CONTEXT]
                 [-A AFTER] [-B BEFORE] [-p NCPUS] [-c] [--cpp] [-V] [-E]
                 [-f {term,html}] [-v] [-L] [-l FILE_LIST] [--version]
                 [file [file ...]]

Semantic grep based on coccinelle

positional arguments:
  file                  List of files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TYPE, --type TYPE  C type where looking for
  -a ATTRIBUT, --attribut ATTRIBUT
                        C attribut that is set
  -o {set,callg,used,func,test,deref}, --operation {set,callg,used,func,test,deref}
                        Operation on structure
  -s SP, --sp SP        Semantic patch to use
  -C CONTEXT, --context CONTEXT
                        Number of lines before and after context
  -A AFTER, --after-context AFTER
                        Number of lines after context
  -B BEFORE, --before-context BEFORE
                        Number of lines before context
  -p NCPUS, --process NCPUS
                        Number of cpus to use
  -c, --color           colorize output (need pygments)
  --cpp                 Activate coccinelle C++ support
  -V, --vim             vim output
  -E, --emacs           emacs output
  -f {term,html}, --output-format {term,html}
                        colorize format for output
  -v, --verbose         verbose output (including coccinelle error)
  -L, --list-operations
                        List available operations
  -l FILE_LIST, --file-list FILE_LIST
                        File containing a list of files to search in
  --version             show program's version number and exit

Run coccigrep -h for up-to-date and complete list of options.

Vim integration

To use coccigrep in vim, you can use the cocci-grep.vim plugin provided in the `editors` directory. To do so you can simply copy it to your plugin directory which is usually ~/.vim/plugin/. If your coccigrep script in not in your path, you can use the coccigrep_path variable to give complete path. For example, you can add to your .vimrc:

let g:coccigrep_path = '/usr/local/bin/coccigrep'

And then you can run commands like ::

:Coccigrep Packet datalink source-*.c
:Coccigrep Packet datalink set source-*.c

First command will interactively ask you the value. Second one will search all dereference of the datalink attribut for Packet structure. The last one will look where the set operation is done on the datalink attribute of Packet. To get the list of operations on your system, you can run coccigrep -L or look at the list provided when input for operation is asked in interactive mode.

The matches will appear in the quickfix list and the file corresponding to first match will be opened at the corresponding line. Note that you can use completion on structure and attribute names based on tags (generated by :make tags).

Running coccigrep in emacs

To use coccigrep in emacs, you need to load the cocci-grep.el module provided in the editors directory of the source code. For example, if you copy it in ~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/, you can do:

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/")
(require 'cocci-grep)

And then you can run something like:

Meta+x cocci-grep

The script is interactive and you will need to answer to the questions which are:

  • Type: The structure type you are searching
  • Attribut: The attribute in the structure
  • Operation: The operation on the structure. The set of commands include set,used,func,test,deref
  • Files: A blob expression that will match the file you want to search in

The matches will appear in a buffer with mode set to grep-mode and you will thus be able to jump on occurence. History is available on the different parameters.

Known bugs

The operation option could lead to some missed match because the semantic patches used internally may needing some improvement.

Reporting issue or idea

Please use github to report issue. All ideas are welcome.

Extending coccigrep

It is easy to extend coccigrep: adding a new match function is just dropping a semantic patch in the data directory. For example, the latest add at the time of the writing is the func match. The commit on github will show you that:

  • A file named func.cocci has been added in the src/data directory
  • It contains something that looks like a semantic patch

Here’s the file:

typedef $type;
$type *p;
position p1;

$attribut(p@p1, ...)
$attribut(..., p@p1, ...)
$attribut(..., p@p1)

In fact this is a templatized semantic patch. There is two variables $type and $attribut that will be replaced by the content of the command line option -t and -a. The last constraint about the semantic patch is that there is a position p1 which is used to display the positionnal information about the match.

Using coccinelle directly

It is possible to use coccinelle from command line to perform some of the task. For example, to get all access to the datalink attribute, one can run:

$ spatch -sp "e:Packet *:->datalink" stream-tcp.c
init_defs_builtins: /home/eric/builds/coccinelle//share/coccinelle/standard.h
HANDLING: stream-tcp.c
diff = 
Packet * e;
* e->datalink

--- stream-tcp.c
+++ /tmp/cocci-output-27859-9d2f27-stream-tcp.c
@@ -4467,7 +4467,6 @@ Packet *StreamTcpPseudoSetup(Packet *par
     /* copy packet and set lenght, proto */
     p->proto = parent->proto;
-    p->datalink = parent->datalink;
     PacketCopyData(p, pkt, len);
     p->recursion_level = parent->recursion_level + 1;

This feature is available since version 1.0-rc5. More information in this mail.

Bug report and feature request

Bug report and feature request can be made through Github interface.

You can also follow coccigrep activity on Google+.

Developer documentation

Documentation of the coccigrep module is generated via sphinx: coccigrep documentation

24 thoughts on “Coccigrep”

  1. Looks interesting, but it’s rather odd that it still uses PYTHONPATH:

    Checking .pth file support in /tmp/yaourt-tmp-wishi/aur-coccigrep/pkg/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
    /usr/bin/python2 -E -c pass
    TEST FAILED: /tmp/yaourt-tmp-wishi/aur-coccigrep/pkg/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ does NOT support .pth files
    error: bad install directory or PYTHONPATH

    You are attempting to install a package to a directory that is not
    on PYTHONPATH and which Python does not read “.pth” files from. The
    installation directory you specified (via –install-dir, –prefix, or
    the distutils default setting) was:


    and your PYTHONPATH environment variable currently contains:


    Here are some of your options for correcting the problem:

    * You can choose a different installation directory, i.e., one that is
    on PYTHONPATH or supports .pth files

    * You can add the installation directory to the PYTHONPATH environment
    variable. (It must then also be on PYTHONPATH whenever you run
    Python and want to use the package(s) you are installing.)

    * You can set up the installation directory to support “.pth” files by
    using one of the approaches described here:

    Please make the appropriate changes for your system and try again.

  2. Hello,

    For some this is an issue with setuptools (easy_install):

    A workaround is to switch to distutils insteas of setuptools. You can do so by changing
    -from setuptools import setup
    +from distutils.core import setup

    I will continue to investigate to see if there is a cleaner alternative.

  3. Is it possible to use Coccigrep upon nesting structures ?
    For example, I have the following structure :

    struct stream_sys_t
    struct hls_playback_s
    uint64_t offset;
    int stream;
    int segment;
    } playback;

    and I want to know where “segment” attribute is set ?

  4. Hello yhuelf,

    The attribute argument in coccigrep is free form. You should thus be able to run:
    coccigrep -t "struct stream_sys_t" -a "playback.segment" -o set FILES
    Let me know if it is working.

  5. Would it be possible to use Coccinelle or to expand coccigrep in order to search for non constant static data through a large code base?

  6. Would it be possible to use Coccinelle or to expand coccigrep in order to search for non constant static data through a large code base?

    I don’t really get what you want to do. Could you give an concrete example ?

  7. Well, the lead dev of VLC asked on vlc-devel [1] if somebody would know a way to look for static non constant data throughout the code base, because he discovered such static data in the code and he’s not happy with that (I suppose it’s not a good idea in a multi-threaded environment).

    Of course the use of static data that is never modified is ok, so it seems not that easy to identify the bad guys.

    I thought that maybe coccinelle could help, but it’s probably a silly idea 🙂


  8. Yes this is exactly what I meant. Indeed I could have been more clear and consise 😉

  9. Hi Regit,

    I’ve found a small bug: if you increment an integer attribute with the operator “++”, this is not detected by the “-set” operation (but it is if you replace “++” by “+= 1”).

    For example you can test it with the following stupid code:


    typedef struct cocci_s {
    int a;
    } cocci_t;

    int main(void)
    cocci_t *cocci = (cocci_t *) malloc(sizeof(cocci_t));
    cocci->a = 0;
    return 0;

    coccigrep -t cocci_t -a a -c -o set coccitest.c

  10. Ok I didn’t read the “Known bugs” and “Reporting issue” sections, sorry for the noise… 🙂

  11. I can’t seem to find a place to put in bug reports.

    $ coccigrep -t ast_group_info main/*.c
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “/usr/bin/coccigrep”, line 5, in
    pkg_resources.run_script(‘coccigrep==1.5’, ‘coccigrep’)
    File “/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/”, line 467, in run_script
    self.require(requires)[0].run_script(script_name, ns)
    File “/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/”, line 1200, in run_script
    execfile(script_filename, namespace, namespace)
    File “/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/coccigrep-1.5-py2.5.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/coccigrep”, line 106, in
    File “/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/coccigrep-1.5-py2.5.egg/coccigrep/”, line 420, in run
    tmp_cocci_file = NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=”.cocci”, delete=False)
    TypeError: NamedTemporaryFile() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘delete’

  12. Well, after giving coccigrep a try on a 64 bits Ubuntu 10.04 LTS machine, installing python-setuptools to be able to run install script and python-argparse that was claimed missing at first try, there is still this one

    Config error: Unable to run spatch command ‘spatch’: No such file or directory.

    Indeed, there is something imo missing in current version: The ability to recurse subdirs (as grep -r)!

  13. Hello yann,

    Thanks a lot for your interest in coccigrep.

    For spatch, you need to install coccinelle which is the semantic tool used by coccigrep.

    Regarding recursivity, if you give a directory on the command line, coccigrep will select recursively all files inside.

  14. Can coccigrep be used to list all used types in a sourcetree ? Handy for determining which autoconf tests I need.

  15. No, I don’t think that coccigrep or coccinelle can be used easily to do an enumeration of the types.

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