Coccigrep improved func operation

Coccigrep 1.11 is now available and mainly features some improvements related to the func search. The func operation can be used to search when a structure is used as argument of a function. For example, to search where the Packet structures are freed inside Suricata project, one can run:

$ coccigrep -t Packet -a "SCFree" -o func src/
src/alert-unified2-alert.c:1156 (Packet *p):         SCFree(p);
src/alert-unified2-alert.c:1161 (Packet *p):         SCFree(p);
src/alert-unified2-alert.c:1368 (Packet *pkt):         SCFree(pkt);

With coccigrep 1.11, it is now possible to look for a function with a regular expression. For example, to see how a time_t is used in the print function of Suricata which are all starting by SCLog (SCLogDebug, SCLogWarning, …), you can simply run:

$ coccigrep -t time_t -a "SCLog.*" -o func src/ 
src/defrag.c:480 (time_t *dc->timeout):     SCLogDebug("\tTimeout: %"PRIuMAX, (uintmax_t)dc->timeout);

With 1.11 version, the func operation is now more useful. It is also more accurate as casted parameters or direct use of a structure (instead of usage though a pointer) are now supported.