lstlisting is a convenient way to display code when using latex. It has no definition for suricata rules language and I’ve cooked one:
\lstdefinelanguage{suricata} {morekeywords= {alert, tcp, http, tls, ip, ipv4, ipv4, drop, pass, sid, priority, rev, classtype, threshold, metadata, reference, tag, msg, content, uricontent, pcre, ack, seq, depth, distance, within, offset, replace, nocase, fast\_pattern, rawbytes, byte\_test, byte\_jump, sameip, ip\_proto, flow, window, ftpbounce, isdataat, id, rpc, dsize, flowvar, flowint, pktvar, noalert, flowbits, stream\_size, ttl, itype, icode, tos, icmp\_id, icmp\_seq, detection\_filter, ipopts, flags, fragbits, fragoffset, gid, nfq\_set\_mark, tls.version, tls.subject, tls.issuerdn, tls.fingerprint,, http\_cookie, http\_method, urilen, http\_client\_body, http\_server\_body, http\_header, http\_raw\_header, http\_uri, http\_raw\_uri, http\_stat\_msg, http\_stat\_code, http\_user\_agent, ssh.protoversion, ssh.softwareversion, ssl\_version, ssl\_state, byte\_extract, file\_data, dce\_iface, dce\_opnum, dce\_stub\_data, asn1, filename, fileext, filestore, filemagic, filemd5, filesize, l3\_proto, luajit}, otherkeywords={ipv4-csum, tcpv4-csum, tcpv6-csum, udpv4-csum, udpv6-csum, icmpv4-csum, icmpv6-csum, decode-event, app-layer-event, engine-event, stream-event}, sensitive=true, morecomment=[l]{//}, morecomment=[s]{/*}{*/}, morestring=[b]", }
To use it, you can simply add this code at start of your tex file and you can then use it:
\begin{lstlisting}[language=suricata] alert tcp any 21 -> any any (msg:"Overlap data"; \ flow:to_client; dsize:>0; \ stream-event:reassembly_overlap_different_data; \ classtype:protocol-command-decode; sid:1; rev:1;) \end{lstlisting}
which give you the following result:
By the way, the lst of keywords has been obtained by running the till now hidden command:
suricata --list-keywords